Bruce Marks gives interview to Russian NTV

Bruce Marks, former republican Pennsylvania State Senator, gives interview to Russian TV on Trump and Biden's Michigan visits  

Marks & Sokolov, LLC Obtains Recognition of Over $20 Million in Russian Judgments, Update

In November 2021, Marks & Sokolov obtained a significant victory in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on behalf of a leading Russian...

RBK – Russia gets new lawyers to represent its interest against Yukos

Россия нашла адвокатов для защиты от ЮКОСа, несмотря на санкции По меньшей мере три западных юрфирмы решили не представлять интересы России в...

1782 Discovery Blog: International Wires Frozen Subject To U.S. Sanctions May Be Released Pursuant To OFAC License

The United States has imposed sanctions on certain Russian individuals, companies and banks which prohibit U.S. persons from conducting business...


The United States has imposed sanctions on certain Russian individuals, companies and banks which prohibit U.S. persons from conducting business...

The Question Of Whether 28 U.S.C. §1782 Allows Discovery For Use In Private International Arbitration Is Back Before The U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. allows parties to non-U.S. litigation proceedings to obtain documents and witness testimony from sources within the U.S., even if such...

Attorney Bruce Marks comments on Malaysian plane crash on Fox News 29

by | Jul 18, 2014 | M&S on Air

July 17, 2014 Bruce Marks commented on the crash of Malaysia Airlines in southeastern part of Ukraine on Fox News 29. He gives his concerns that this tragedy can intensify tension in the region and aggravate the political situation in general.
The founder and managing member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, attorney Bruce Marks is an expert on commercial legal matters between the West and the former Soviet Union.
See B. Marks interview on 10 am Fox News 
See B. Marks interview on 5pm Fox News17 июля 2014 года Брюс Маркс комментирует авиакатастрофу пассажирского самолета “Boeing”, разбившегося на юго-востоке Украины, в новостях на канале Fox 29. Он высказывает свои опасения, что эта трагедия может усилить напряженность в регионе и обострить политическую ситуацию в целом.
Адвокат Брюс Маркс, управляющий директор фирмы Маркс и Соколов, ЛЛСи, имеет международную репутацию эксперта по различным юридическим аспектам коммерческих взаимоотношений между Западом и странами бывшего Советского Союза.
Интервью Б. Маркса на канале Fox 29 10:00
Интервью Б. Маркса на канале Fox 29 5pm